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Friday, March 7, 2008

HRC doesn't have standing

Obama today:
Clinton "doesn't have standing to question my position on this issue" because she voted to authorize the war in 2002, as did McCain, the Republican presidential candidate.

True, let's see there's a lot more issues on which she doesn't have standing:

HRC doesn't have standing on NAFTA, she doesn't have standing on truthfulness, she doesn;t have standing on flip-flopping - she and her husband promoted it, thought it was a good thing; backtracked when running for Prez in rustbelt states, winked and nodded with the Canadian Embassy when they got worried and then threw that lit granade into Obama's court, and then accused Obama of saying one thing and meaning the other on Nafta as well as on the war.

HRC doesn't have standing on fighting for anyone's rights but her own - seeing as she and her husband were ready to throw blacks under the bus, after they christened her husband the Black President; a friendly warning to Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. and son, state Rep. Eddie Lucio III, and all Latinos, your turn's next - it'll be when one of your kind stands in her way, until then she'll be peaches and cream.

HRC doesn't have standing on experience -
80 cities only makes 80 hotels, or 80 sight-seeing trips, or 80 weddings or 80 funerals or a mix of all of that - all at the tax payers' cost - looks like you owe them something back not bilk them for another 8 years'.

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