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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Obama leading Intrade on Superdelegates

Obama trades at 57 (to Clinton's 36) on the "Receives most superdelegates" contract!
(go to from Intrade homepage go to Politics/Dem. Pres. Primaries / "Most Superdelegates - Clinton or Obama?")

Imitation is the purest form of flattery

Hill-St.John co-opts Obama's message, tweaking it to personalize it like I do with my Yahoo homepage - it's still the Yahoo homepage, who am I kidding?
BHO - Yes we can,
Hill - Yes we will -
And now watch St.John at the end of the tape below - Yes we must

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The threshhold story - now I get it

When you hear what she said here -

and put it together with what she says here

it all makes sense

that she meets the Commander in Chief threshhold when Obama's holding her hand helping her over the stile!

Obama nips that bud with style

Wyoming - first in women's suffrage - votes for Obama

Wyoming knows the real deal when it sees it!
Obama: Clinton 58:41 as of EST
Wyoming is apparently the first state to grant women suffrage in 1869 (just heard it on CNN and googled this link to the full history). And its caucus results today at first blush may seem contrary to this this tradition; however that is not so. It has kept up the true spirit of the suffrage movement, that women's rights are symbolic of rights for every person, race, gender, creed; when we are so far removed from prejudice that we not only do not prevent another class of people (based on gender, creed, color, whatever) from voicing our choice, or do not prevent another person based on gender, creed, color, whatever from representing us in enforcing our choice, then only can we truly claim to have advanced as a democracy.
Till then we are still another "developing" nation!

Hillary - for Senate Majority Leader

Just didn't want to forget this (*) -

As a result, the Capitol Hill grist mill is now turning with rumors the New York senator is hatching a deal to replace the inept Harry Reid (D-Nev.) as Senate majority leader.

Are they ‘rumors’ or ’speculation’ - isn’t there there’s always more basis for rumors? someone drops a guard, and in this day and age you can track that down lightning fast - e.g. the ‘monster’ remark. But speculation is more difficult - the half attentive public composed of those who once liked her and feel sorry for her humiliation, and those who never liked her but like her grasp of the minutae of dry statistics (jobs are x% down, gas is x dollars up, you are sick with no insurance, vote for me), have often speculated that she could take her energy to the Senate and be Majority Leader - which is what I was thinking of when I wrote this post

But is it a rumor? what’s the basis? who told who told who told who?

Anyway - as I said in my previous post, Hillary you can forget about being VP on a "dream ticket" - you burned too many bridges with BHO. So this is as good a plan as any.

(*) Update - this was on the Hill's Armstrong Williams blog - Armstrong williams? he of the Bush Education fake/consultant fame?
Looks like it is so indeed: Ugh - I had to go and quote him, did I?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Guess what Hillary we heard you all last week

Clinton on not criticizing Obama in Mississippi:
Earlier Friday at a town hall meeting in Mississippi, where some in the audience were undecided or leaning toward Obama, Clinton raised the possibility that she might run with the Illinois senator on the Democratic presidential ticket.
Perhaps mindful that her audiences in Mississippi and Wyoming might view Obama favorably, Clinton has leaned more toward criticizing the Bush administration and has mostly refrained from direct attacks on her opponent, other than a few veiled references to him with phrases like "reality versus rhetoric" and "solutions over sound bites."

Oh my, this sudden sensitivity about pro-Obama listeners in her audience! Guess she was a bit shortsighted - for wasn't she heard all the world over trashing him on the top of her lungs loud and clear all last week - pesky journalists aired her rants to keep their ratings up - and of course she stemmed her losses in OH and TX because of that, but she BURNED her bridge to Obama and his supporters FOR GOOD - Dream on about a dream ticket, Hillary!

HRC doesn't have standing

Obama today:
Clinton "doesn't have standing to question my position on this issue" because she voted to authorize the war in 2002, as did McCain, the Republican presidential candidate.

True, let's see there's a lot more issues on which she doesn't have standing:

HRC doesn't have standing on NAFTA, she doesn't have standing on truthfulness, she doesn;t have standing on flip-flopping - she and her husband promoted it, thought it was a good thing; backtracked when running for Prez in rustbelt states, winked and nodded with the Canadian Embassy when they got worried and then threw that lit granade into Obama's court, and then accused Obama of saying one thing and meaning the other on Nafta as well as on the war.

HRC doesn't have standing on fighting for anyone's rights but her own - seeing as she and her husband were ready to throw blacks under the bus, after they christened her husband the Black President; a friendly warning to Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. and son, state Rep. Eddie Lucio III, and all Latinos, your turn's next - it'll be when one of your kind stands in her way, until then she'll be peaches and cream.

HRC doesn't have standing on experience -
80 cities only makes 80 hotels, or 80 sight-seeing trips, or 80 weddings or 80 funerals or a mix of all of that - all at the tax payers' cost - looks like you owe them something back not bilk them for another 8 years'.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

On Apologies

Nothing to do with anything..

But I thought this would be as good a time as any to soliloquize about apologies. Top five things to remember:

  1. No one owes you an apology - so if they do, consider yourself overpaid!
  2. The world being as it is, never expect an apology - but if they do, be surprised, astonished, overwhelmed!
  3. Sometimes, those ingrates, they mean to ignore you, insult you, rub your nose to the ground, hurt you, all of those things...BUT sometimes, sometimes their error can be purely inadvertent, and so when they do apologize, let it GO!
  4. And then again, in pure self-interest, while you may think right now you can be done with them, and that you don't really need them, who knows there may come a time when you do - so if they do apologize, when they didn't have to (see 1 above), when many others don't (2 above), when it was inadvertent (3 above), consider that you may sometime or the other need them, so be a grown up and save their face for them, let them live another day to save your face for you perhaps!
  5. And last of all - even if 1, 2, 3, 4, above do not matter, remember:
"The quality of mercy is not strain'd;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this-
That in the course of justice none of us
Should see salvation; we do pray for mercy,
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea,
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there."

Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare